Training This Week

20 Jul 2020 by Brooke Kerr

Training Information

Unless advised otherwise by your Coach, (at this stage) training will be on this week at Ziems Park, Corrimal (the lower fields)

☔️ If training is called off we will post here

As soon as we have information about games this weekend we will let you know.


- If your child is unwell, has travelled interstate or to any known COVID hotspot in the last 14 days please do not attend training or games

- Parents are not permitted on the ground at training. You can stand outside the boundary fence or in the carpark. Please adhere to social distancing at all times

- The names of the kids attending training will be recorded, the kids will need to hand sanitise before they arrive (provided by the Club/Coach)

- Training sheds will be closed

- Children must bring their own drink bottle (no sharing of bottles)

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